Sunday, October 21, 2007

Somebody in Iowa Loves You...

Our family has expanded - in richness and in numbers- since Owen's birth. Another gift given to us by our son...

Owen has enriched my relationship with my mother, my stepfather, all of my parent-in-laws, my siblings and many of my friends. Owen has also given me the gift of renewed ties with my mother's family back in Iowa. I was estranged, by no choice of my own, from most of this family more than 20 years ago. I have two aunts, an uncle, one great aunt, eleven cousins, four second cousins and, if my calculations are correct, over 50 other relatives once removed from those just mentioned. This separation left a big hole in my life.

I saw many of these relatives this last April, at my grandfather's funeral. All of them welcomed me back to Iowa, back to my roots and back to my family. When the news of Owen's birth and rough start reached the Midwest in July, the emails and cards came pouring in.

And tonight, Owen was presented with a shirt, covered with messages of love, good wishes and support from these aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins and other members of our "new old family."

Thank you to all of our family in Iowa. Thank you Owen.

1 comment:

MizzMarr said...

You guys are amazing, and I am so glad to read of the progress and developments that you´re all reaching together--not to mention the expanded family and support network! That is truly wonderful. I read your journal regularly and think of you guys all the time.

much love to you all,