We've had several people ask about Owen the last week or so, saying with a bit of hesitation that they've been checking the blog but haven't seen any new updates. I admit it... I have been a bit hesitant to post, not because things aren't going good, but because things are going great. With so many unsuccessful attempts at controlling O's seizures, I am cautiously going to say that the diet seems to be working. Actually, right now IT IS WORKING. His seizures continue to be down to just 6-12 a day. Before we left for Stanford, they had crept back up to over a hundred a day. He continues to tolerate the diet perfectly with no adverse effects. We check his urine every day for ketone levels, pH levels, specific gravity (hydration) and blood (there is a slight risk of kidney stones which is detected by blood in the urine). All of the numbers have been perfect. He is sleeping much better - we ALL are sleeping better - and he is overall much more content. All of the hours on the phone since June, the coordination during the weeks leading up to the trip, the travel time, the hospital stay - it was all so worth it for the peace that Owen is currently experiencing. We are hopeful that it will continue.
We had the 17 week ultrasound today to peek in on Owen's sibling. Although I am a full 17 weeks as of today, all of the measurements came back at 18 - 19 weeks gestation, which means that the baby is growing very well (despite the fact that, according to the scales at the OB/GYN's office, I have only gained one pound in the last five weeks). Our OB/GYN said that based on the results of the ultrasound screenings, my blood draw results and my specs (weight, blood pressure, etc) all of our "options" are open, meaning that the pregnancy is healthy and an unmedicated birth is still a possibility should we choose this route. She wants to do another ultrasound at 32 weeks just to make sure there is adequate blood flow through the cord and an appropriate amount of amniotic fluid - two things she wants checked as precautionary measures. We so appreciate her attitude - not overly concerned about performing a lot of unnecessary tests, but especially watchful and attentive to this pregnancy given O's history.
During the ultrasound, the baby was kicking and bouncing around all over the place, just as O was at the same age. We saw legs, arms, fingers, toes, a lovely head and spine, all sorts of organs, including the four chambers of the heart and... the equipment that can only belong to a little boy. Yes, Owen will be having a little brother come early February (my new due date is February 8th). We had no preference at all one way or the other, but it is fun now to be able to talk about "him." And I have to admit that I have become quite smitten for my first little boy and excitedly welcome a second. I guess it is the "mamas and their boys" thing that I've heard people talk about. Or perhaps it is just that I love being a mother? Kelsey is thrilled that finally, the boys will significantly out number the girls (including Dutch, the score will soon be four to one).
We had an excellent visit with Laura and have added some photos from her stay as well as from our trip to California/Stanford. Included also are some photos of the fate of the 80 pounds of roma tomatoes that Janet and I made into red sauce and roasted tomatoes earlier this week (which we purchased at the Puyallup farmer's market for $70!). They are now sitting quietly in the freezer, all 50+ pints, along with the 50+ pints of pesto and several quart bags of frozen berries from our garden. Bring on the winter rains!
I am feeling great now that I am entering the 18th week of pregnancy and all three of us are enjoying being home again. We've been busy catching up and getting back into our routines the last couple of weeks. We are so grateful and appreciative of the incredible support we have received from all of our family this last year, but especially the last several weeks. We had so much support for getting O started on the keto diet and for making the trip to Stanford and when we told all of our family the news about our pregnancy, not knowing fully what the overall response would be, we were amazed. The excitement, hope, encouragement, support and love came from every direction. We are so fortunate and blessed and their support continues to enrich our lives.
The weather has been glorious since our return - 70 to 75 and sunny - and the forecast for as far as they can predict is for more of the same. The big leaf maples are turning, the pumpkins are almost ripe (bring on those recipes!) and the air smells of fall. It is our favorite time of the year.
Peace and love,
Thank you for posting all of this good news. We are thrilled on every front, and send love and blessings to all of you!
Oh congratulations!
To Owen!
To you & Kelsey!
To baby brother!
To a well-prepared freezer!
Woo-hoo!!! We are excited and delighted right along with you! Love to you all!
Hooray! I'm pretty smitten with my little boy too--I think another one would be just fine.
I am glad to hear about Owen and must admit that I felt no news was good news. So happy that everyone is getting some sleep.
What a happy post!
Happy news is the best news =)
You have been in my thoughts since happening upon your blog.
When I first heard I was having a boy I was so freaked out but now I am loving having a little guy, how exciting to have two...brothers will be a beautiful thing.
Positive wishes to you and your family..and by the way, the food in your photo's looks absolutely wonderful =)
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